Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Top Reasons To Date an Asian Girl

The attractiveness of Asian girls is undeniable. Long silky hair, smooth skin, slim, petite bodies and that graceful feminine way they walk. Where western women have come to take long, determined strides in an almost masculine manner, Asian girls move in that slow, sensual way that makes mens head turn.

I'm sure you know what I am on about.

And of course, there's that exotic sense of shy innocence that makes us want to know more. To see what she will be like when you are alone with her. Is there a hidden wild sexual side that is waiting to be unleashed?
If you dared to profess this preference for a western woman, she'd probably respond with a scorn and call you a 'chauvinist' or 'pig'. She will probably mistakenly assume that your attraction to Asian women is a fantasy about having a submissive slave who will wait on your command. Many western women don't seem to understand that doing something for your partner because you care about them isn't the same as being 'weak'.

Anyone who's been with an Asian woman knows this isn't the case. Asian women are not weak or submissive. The Asian girls that I've known have all been smart, strong and capable, yet at the same time, they radiate pure femininity and they enjoy being women.

And they want their man to be a man, so they make him feel like one!

That's the way we were born as men. That's what we need to be truly happy in life. It's simple really; let us be men and let women be women. Take a look at your buddies, emasculated by nagging, overbearing wives, do they seem happy?
Being attracted to Asian women isn't weird, it isn't a 'fetish' or 'yellow fever' nor does it suggest you are in some way unable to handle a relationship with a woman of your own race. On the contrary, I'd say it means you have understood what makes you happy - what would make any man happy if they were to admit it, that you are willing to take a chance, to step out of the box to look for happiness.

Most guys think they have to be rich or famous to date beautiful younger girls.

They seem to grudgingly accept the idea that they're never going to be with a sexy woman who adores and respects them, so they settle for a girl they think will be 'compatible'. Usually that means she will be just as boring as they are.

But check back a few years after marriage, then how many are happy and sexually fulfilled? I don't know of many personally. Many friends have been lost after they again and again had to ask their wife for permission to do anything. They tell their wives that they have to go to Asia for business, while in reality they want to visit me and get introduced to my lifestyle. Those that make it over here, rarely look back.

You know it already; we're driven by the same desires as we were at the beginning of time. We as men crave soft, feminine women; it's what we need to complement us. The missing part. Someone who will need our masculinity and strength. Asian women fit this description like no other females.

I believe there are any reasons, some unconscious that make us attracted to Asian women. Some are sexual of course. Asian women have perfect hairless skin, hard bodies and those feminine almost feline facial features that are so alluring. Asian women do not get fat as they age. In fact, Asian women stay attractive far longer than Western women (it helps that they don't live the 'fast life' as much).

Asian women are also a lot more approachable. I love how you can walk up to any Asian woman and start flirting. As long as you come in with a big smile and you are polite, you are never going to be shot down in that nasty New York kind of way. Asian women love to flirt. As I walk back to my condo every day from work, I always stop to flirt with the shop girls, the University girls or the old lady selling nuts! It's a very life confirming thing. Being a man and being sexual as a man isn't something to be ashamed of here.

Try walking around in any shopping mall in Bangkok, Jakarta or Manila. You will be amazed at the number of attractive girls who will shoot you shy glances and inviting smiles. If you're an older gentleman, you may have all but forgotten what that feels like!

And this is only the superficial side of the equation.

Asian women are fantastic homemakers, wives and mothers. Asian children are always happy and husbands do get cared for very well.

I can't tell you how much I wish I would have discovered Asian women when I was younger. It took me many years to finally make the move and go for Asian women. If you are in doubt, if you are unsure, go ahead and take the plunge. Sign up for FilipinaHeart or ThaiLovelines and start meeting Asian women today. It will be the best thing you ever did. You can always write back and thank me later.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

What do Thai girls want in a foreign man?

Thai-Farang relationships are a common a sight in Bangkok. The number of interracial relationships in Thailand seems to grow every year. Even in the outskirts and suburbian area you can almost be certain of seeing some foreign guy hand in hand with his Thai girlfriend. So why is it that so many Thai girls seem to go for a Western man instead of a Thai guy that she would have a lot more in common with? Most foreigners in Thailand don’t even really understand Thai culture, don’t speak the language and don’t understand Thai women! Are Thai women really attracted to foreign men or is it really about money?

There are in fact many reasons why a Thai girl would go for a foreigner. Let’s take a look at some reasons that I think are common. Most Thai ladies I have talked often mention money, fidelity, physical chemistry and worldliness. Some may be only interested in one of those or all of them, but it’s a good starting point in figuring out why Thai women end up dating white guys.


Some Thai girls place the most importance on the financial stability or even wealth that a foreigner brings with him. These girls are mostly interested in improving their material posseisions and financial security. She may be a go-go dancer from a poor village in Isaan and wants money to send to her parents or she may be middle-class university student who wants a rich sugar daddy to sponsor her parties, clothes and cellphone upgrades. She is looking for an older, wealthy (or at least generous) guy who understands that being with a young attractive girl as an older man isn’t going to be free. She is easy to spot if she is working in a bar or go-go, but she can also be found on social networks and dating sites and she may have many foreing ‘friends’ already. If you are fine with this type of relationship then a the best way to win her over is a dinner at a fancy restaurant or VIP seats at an event and then a quick (and expensive) shopping spree to one of Bangkok’s many malls.


Thai men are notorios for their extramarital affairs. This is most common for the lower class guys. A lot of Thai girls share a similar story of falling in love at a young age with a hometown hero who then ditched her when he found out she was pregnant. Many end up in Bangkok sending money back and rarely see their child. This girl is very often looking for a decent, loyal foreigner who will be willing to settle down with her and support her and her child. In return, she is ready to be the best wife she can be; loyal, caring and dutiful. She is willing to overlook a substantial age difference as long as she thinks he will be true to her and stick with her for the long run. She is often found in bars, pubs and restaurants frequented by foreigners or on the internet on a dating site like ThaiLoveLinks. She isn’t going to jump into bed on the first date, but she will probably make a great girlfriend or wife.


Some Thai girls (many?) just think white guys are cute. She has grown up with MTV and David Beckham and now she has some sort of reverse yellow fever. She is often early to mid twenties with a good education and has maybe even studied abroad where she caught the taste for muscle bound westerners. This kind of girl is most often seen in trendy bars and caffes or in young, hip areas where foreigners hang out like Kao San area. Forget about getting with this girl if you’re an older guy (unless she also looks for a sugar daddy). Get her hooked by sporting the latest fashion, dancing, keeping the booze coming and partying it up. This is all physical.


I’ve found that most middle-class Thai women who date western guys almost always say that they enjoy dating them because they feel like they are respected more and have more freedom of expression. She is tired of dating Thai men who expect her just to be a pretty, cute wife void of any personality and opinion. She enjoys the chance to express herself and try new things without being judged in a rigid Thai society. She is looking for an educated, intelligent foreign man who will show her the world and bring her along with him as they explore life together. You meet her at a trendy cafĂ© or bar, maybe in a hotel lobby or even on the internet, but she isn’t going to chase you. Impress her by showing your drive and ambition without bragging.


As you see, there are many reasons why a Thai girl would want to date a foreign guy and money is definitely not the only reason. So, if you want to meet a nice Thai girl, think about who you are and what kind of lady would be attracted to you. Are you the type happy to settle for a quiet countryside life or are you looking for a partner not only in bed but someone who can keep her own in a conversation. Do you want a string of flings with girls from Kao San clubs? Regardless, get out of the bars and gogos and start exploring the other side of Thailand.